Leadership Development & Executive Coaching Firm in Roanoke, Va.

Radio Show


Great leaders multiply their vision into results that far exceed the resources they start with. Through interviews and discussions, Jeff Smith explores leadership issues and illuminates action points and perspectives to help teams in any industry. Jeff talks with experts who study these issues and shares some of his own wisdom from years as an executive leader and executive coach.

The show covers issues that are impacting real teams right now. These include mindfulness in leadership, shaping the right corporate culture and other tips and tools for leaders and teams. 


The Challenge of Change: Our Top 5 Lessons Learned, Ep. 39

Change is both a constant and a challenging part of our professional lives. Leading change and managing change are different skills, and learning to navigate both processes successfully is essential to long term leadership success. Tune in to hear Jeff and Jennifer’s Top 5 Lessons Learned. With both Success Stories and Pitfalls to Avoid, these lessons in change are gleaned from Voltage Leadership’s most successful and challenging client engagements. [Read transcript here]